In recent years with the overwhelming success of K-pop, K-dramas and everything related to Korea has brought people from all over the globe to follow their dreams! From Netflix dramas to multiple commercials including Pizza Hut, Dojeon team member, Lewis, recently interviewed Konstantin Romanenko, a successful Russian actor and model to find out what it takes to become a successful actor in South Korea!

Can you please introduce yourself to the Dojeon Media readers?
My name is Konstantin, I am from Russia, and I grew up in Siberia. I really enjoy traveling, and I have worked and travelled in over 33 countries around the world. I love being in front of the camera, and I have been working as an actor and model for many years before moving to Korea.
You were the main character in the 'Pizza Hut' commercial. Can you share some more information about that role?
My role in the Pizza Hut commercial was playing the main character. It was a good chance for me to get into the industry here in Korea, and it was a very memorable shoot for me, as I thought it was a 12 hour night shoot. Before the shoot, I did not know exactly what the role was, but on the day of the shoot I was told fully that I would be playing the main role. The shoot then went onto be an 18 hour shoot. The shoot was for a big western company, and I got to work with some amazing people and wear some awesome costumes. It was great, because the commercial was shown all over the country. It was a good opportunity for me and great exposure.

What inspired you to become and actor and model?
I actually inspired myself to work in this industry, when I was younger I would crave attention and recognition, so I would always try and make a big effort with everything that I did. If I set my mind to something, I would work at it all day every day until I had mastered it. It is still the same today, as I strive to always be the best at everything that I do.

How does the entertainment industry in Korea, compare to the entertainment industry in Russia?
The industry is very similar, though the pay is higher in Russia, I think because the entertainment industry in Korea is at it's peak, though in reality, its probably because the work that I do in Korea is more focused on modelling and acting, and in Russia it can be broader. The industry in Korea has lots of opportunities to work with different companies than in Russia, also the entertainment industry in Korea is focussed heavily through social media too, and having a strong presence can really help you.

What have been the challenges that you have faced so far?
The challenges that I have faced have been rejection from some roles that I have applied for in the past mainly based on experience or not having a certain image for a role. In these cases it has just made me want to work harder, so I have used it as a positive, rather than thinking about it negatively.
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How did you become an actor in Korea?
To become an actor in Korea, I had to find an agency. For this, I contacted many agencies and had lots of meetings. Before I got to this stage, I had to ensure that I had a strong work portfolio from Russia and the other countries that I have worked in, so that I could get signed and sponsored.

What can we expect from you this year?
This year, new films will be released along with YouTube clips and podcasts, along with dramas and commercials, and much more! Make sure that you look out for me!
Can you please say a few words for the Dojeon readers?
Never give up, and always be happy. Don't stop believing in your dreams and you will become successful!
Let us know in the comments below, your questions for Konstantin!